So this post is going to be a long one since there's so much ground to cover. But the reason for this post is significant for anyone who is struggling with the late, wakeful nights with their newborn. The following post is about my personal trial and error and how I finally got my little one to sleep all night long and in his crib at 13 weeks old.

Now before I even begin I want to make a statement. During my personal nighttime struggles with a newborn, I did a lot of internet research while nursing my son for hours on end to figure out how to get my baby to sleep not only for a significant stretch of time but alone in a bed as well. There were many bloggers and people posting on forums out there that would say things or comment things such as "I'm not sure why your baby won't sleep.
My baby slept 10 hours a night when they were 8 weeks old..." While I was reading these I was offended to be honest. Maybe it was because at the time my son was 8 weeks old and screaming his head off after 30 minutes of sleeping in his cradle alone. How dare these women post comments on a forum where clearly mothers are searching for help to a problem that they can't seem to solve on their own. The audacity of these women with their "perfect" sleeping children posting about their perfect little lives just to make the original mother asking the question feel like they are doing something wrong and it's their fault their baby isn't sleeping a full night at a mere 8 weeks old. Now the tables have turned. My son is a couple days shy of 14 weeks old and he's breezing through nights and sleeping in his own crib. I am proud to say that now I'm one of those mothers that pissed me off via mothering forums. Now that the shoe is on the other foot - I will say something that I never read about those other moms. I did a shit ton of work to get my son to sleep through the night. I didn't simply lay him in his crib and say "nighty night" and off to sleep he went. There were months of agony, weeks of stress, days of tears and hours of pain. All the while I tried every tip I read about and every common sense tactic I could think of. There was not one hour that I wasn't contemplating a new technique to try just to get my newborn to sleep so that I could sleep. After all these weeks of failure after failure and tear after weepy tear I am proud to say that I've finally found what works for my newborn. I will tell you this right off the bat - a lot of it has to do with age. Babies younger than 12 weeks are not built to sleep so long. Their tiny tummies need food every couple hours and their small bodies need to keep hydrated. So if you have high hopes of your baby sleeping all night when their under 3 months old - you're setting yourself up for disappointment. I have chosen to make note of what is working for me in hopes that another mother out there with my same struggle might have one or more of these things help her. Being a mom is being a part of a special club and we need to help each other out rather than tear each other down. This is the story of how I got my newborn to sleep all night... in his own crib.
First things first... no two babies are the same. It couldn't be more true than when comparing my own two sons. One being the baby that this post centers around and the other being my eldest 9 year old. When my oldest was born, he was born with a cleft lip and partial cleft palate. His upper lip was fused into his right nostril and he has a gap in his gums where two teeth should be. Because he was born with this he was unable to breastfeed which was a big disappointment to me. I wanted him to have the nutritional benefits and bonding experience that comes with being breastfed but alas it was unattainable. So he was bottle fed formula (because my milk dried up so quickly even though I tried to pump) and the nights were challenging as with any baby. However, when he was 3 months old I was given an unexpected silver lining to his cleft lip. As soon as he turned 3 months old he had surgery to repair his lip and then was prescribed baby tylenol with codeine so that he could sleep at night. And it was that easy. After two weeks of the codeine (and sleeping 12 hour nights) a good habit was formed and from that moment on he slept from 7pm till 7am. Every. Single. Night. Even as a toddler he slept like a dream.
Now baby #2 nearly a decade later... born perfectly "normal" without any obstacles to overcome where feeding is concerned. In fact, he latched to the breast within 30 seconds of trying after 5 minutes of being a part of the outside world! Finally I was able to breastfeed. What I didn't realize was that this blessing would come with a whole new set of challenges that I was unaware I'd face. Call it ignorance. Of course everybody knows how difficult the late nights are in theory but until you are smack dab in the middle of it yourself you really don't know what to expect. Because my littlest is breastfed I was quite literally ON MY OWN at nighttime. Since I'm a stay at home mom and daddy goes to work everyday it's an understanding that I would be the one to get up during the night. However, even if daddy offers to help so you can sleep... if you're exclusively breastfeeding there is NOTHING daddy can do so you've got to figure out how to deal with the exhaustion and frustration all by yourself. Sad and depressing but very true. I struggled with the "baby blues" hardcore for the first month until I gave in and slowly started doing what I had to do to take care not only the baby but myself as well.
First step was to get myself rested. I had to admit to myself and realize that I was no good to my children if I was sleep deprived and depressed. What did I know? I knew that my (at the time) 2 week old ate every 90 minutes to 2 hours during the day and every 2 to 3 hours during the night. I knew he slept longer stretches if I was holding him and that he'd cry within 30 minutes of being put in his cradle. So the only way I was going to get any amount of significant sleep was by holding him. And that's what I did as terrifying as it was to me. They really brow - beat the facts into you. Babies MUST sleep alone in a crib on their backs. Nothing in the crib. No breastfeeding while sleeping because the baby can suffocate. No blankets or the baby might suffocate. No sleeping on baby's side or they might roll over and suffocate!! The professionals scare the living bejeezus out of you. And this is just plain mean. As a new mother you're already scared to death of something happening to your child with the whole SIDS thing. I personally didn't sleep a wink during the first 48 hours because he was making weird noises and I was terrified he was going to choke on spit up. But they add to it by drilling in all the things you shouldn't do. Fact is, lots of our parents and grandparents did what they had to do to be a parent and many kids survived. I think the most dangerous thing to a tiny baby is a parent who is incoherent because they are so sleep deprived. While I agree with most things they say, I do believe that they beat it to death and terrify new parents in the process and that's not right. That being said, I gave in and I slept in the recliner while holding my newborn son. I'd place him on his back in the Boppy pillow so that his head and legs were elevated and my body and the other side of the pillow kept him from moving. And he'd sleep perfectly safe and sound. When he'd wake up, I'd simply pop the boobie in his mouth and go back to sleep. I was reclined enough so that I didn't lean forward. There was no chance (in my opinion) of smothering him while I breastfed. I was FINALLY getting some rest and a 2 or 3 hour nap felt like a 6 hour stretch... and it was glorious.
Next step (at 4 weeks) was trying to squeeze in some extra sleep during the daytime by having daddy give him a bottle of breastmilk. Easier said than done. This little one was sucking me dry and when I'd pump I would barely produce an ounce between both breasts AND then his nursing time would increase because I was robbing my little baby of milk. After two weeks off and on of unsuccessful pumping I gave it up. I couldn't ever make enough to fill a bottle big enough to satisfy him so why bother?
Off topic interjection... sleeping while the baby sleeps is a tip much easier said than done!! No matter how damn exhausted I was... I just could not fall asleep after 10am or before 8pm. So I look at that tip as a sick joke. Sleep when the baby sleeps, my ass! Moving on...
At 7 weeks old, I decided to try and crib-train my little one. By crib-train, I simply mean to get him to sleep any amount of time in his crib. I'd place him in his crib for a few minutes randomly during the day just so he could get a feel for it while he was awake. Then night one came rolling around and it was a disaster. I read somewhere that most babies don't cry longer than 20 minutes before finally falling asleep. Well my littlest went 4 frickin' hours so he must be a superhuman breed! I'd pick him up to nurse him every hour just to make sure hunger wasn't the cause of his crying but that didn't work. Finally around 4am I gave up and put him in bed with me. Which brings me to another experiment. Co-sleeping has its praisers and its naysayers. I thought I'd give it a try since I was missing my bed and my husband that goes with it. I lasted two nights. While I got the same amount of sleep as in the recliner I wasn't nearly as comfortable. I found that I was so paranoid and stiff that I'd wake up sore from my body being so tense all night long - fearing that I'd roll onto him while we slept. So I resolved to go back to the recliner. I don't think he was ready for the crib and I wasn't ready to force him.
When he was about 9 weeks old I started trying to force him to sleep in his Rock-n-Play cradle. I started doing it during the daytime for naps. I'd nurse him until he started to fall asleep and then I'd slowly lay him down into it. If he started to wake I'd just rock it back and forth while shushing him. Sometimes he went to sleep and other times he'd stay wide awake. Either way I let him be. If he cried I just stayed close and touched him. I needed him to start seeing that Mommy couldn't hold him constantly. I also started a definitive bedtime routine at night. Boob, bath, lotion, boob, bed. After about 3 nights he started sleeping in the cradle for his first nighttime stretch of sleep. I believe that it was a soothing warm bath followed by nursing lead him to being so sleepy that he didn't care where he was! So now I had the first step accomplished. He'd go to sleep that first time in his cradle (next to the bed) after being nursed but when he'd wake up 2 to 3 hours later for that first feeding - going back to sleep after was a different story. Sometimes it would take me an hour to 90 minutes to get him to go back to sleep in the cradle. Sometimes I'd resort to just putting him in bed with us after he woke from that first stretch since it was unlikely he'd go down easily. I was achy but at least I was still sleeping!!
When he was between 11 and 12 weeks old I made the decision to start supplementing with Similac Supplementation Formula at least one feeding a day - choosing an evening feeding in attempts to get a longer sleep pattern. This was a difficult decision for me because I love breastfeeding my little guy but I think my primary reason for not doing it sooner was that I thought I'd feel like a failure. It's a very hard thing to exclusively breastfeed. In theory, it's easy but in reality it takes determination and strength. I didn't want to fail. I wanted to hang on and be strong. But my mommy senses were tingling and I knew it needed to be done. In all the reading I had done it was common knowledge that babies 12 weeks old should be able to space out feedings at least 3 hours during the daytime and some babies were even capable of sleeping 6 or 8 hours straight at night. My little one wasn't even close to this milestone. In fact, he was still nursing as frequently during the daytime as he was when he was 4 weeks old. Something wasn't right. My insides were telling me that he needed more than I could give my growing boy. So I made that decision for the well being of my son. That being said, giving him a bottle of formula was easier said than done!
I mixed him 4 oz of formula in a breastflow bottle (this was the bottle recommended to me by my midwife) and the second he tasted a drop of formula he cried. And cried. And cried. And then he screamed. So I decided to try earlier the following day because it was too late in the evening to push it. The next day I tried giving him a bottle before he was tired and cranky. He didn't cry at the taste of the formula (right way) but he couldn't figure out how to suck on the nipple. I hadn't even considered the fact that he might not know how to drink from a bottle. After all, he had taken a bottle of breastmilk from his daddy a few times before. But he couldn't figure out how to take a bottle from me. And he cried. And cried. And cried. And then he screamed. So I put if off for the following day. The rest of that day I Googled my heart out and I read many posts on many forums. I had a lot of things that I tried. So many things were tried that I'd rather not explain them all so I'll just tell you what DID work for me...
Gerber apple juice, Playtex medium flow breast like shaped nipples and eating in his bouncer. He simply would not take the bottle while I held him - he expected the boob and got mad when it was a bottle. So I started feeding him while he was in his Rock-n-Play or bouncer and it worked! He did struggle with latching on but he finally figured it out when I slid my pinky inside his mouth along side the nipple. Don't ask me how it worked but it worked! I finally got him to take the formula by replacing about a half ounce of water with apple juice per 4 oz of formula. You might need a little more for that first time. Then I found the Breastflow bottles couldn't keep up with him. It took 30 minutes for him to eat 3 ounces. I switched to a regular bottle nipple and he was done with 4 or 5 ounces in 10 minutes! I also introduced a sprinkle of rice cereal in his bottle. The first night I did this he slept 6 hours. Yes... SIX HOURS!! Double his longest stretch only the day before. AMAZING!
The first night I introduced rice cereal into his formula I also got him to sleep in his crib. YES! HIS CRIB! Not his Rock-n-Play, not in his carseat, not with me in the recliner... the dreaded crib. Before this accomplishment I had to sit and evaluate a few things to figure out how to beat this enormous feat. What did I know? I knew the first time I laid him FLAT on the mattress he cried for 4 hours. I know that he likes to have a blanket touching his cheek. I know that he likes to be held and the crib sheet is cold. So here's what I did...
I bought a crib wedge on Amazon for around $20 and I bought a pool noodle at Family Dollar for a buck. I cut the pool noodle into 3 pieces. Two equally long and the third piece smaller (around 10 inches or so). I placed the wedge on the crib mattress and pieced the 3 noodles in a "U" shape at the base of the wedge. Then I covered it all with the crib sheet. I then laid a baby comforter over it so it was a nice and soft. I know that they say no blankets and nothing in the bed with baby but I felt this was safe enough since the noodles and wedge is underneath the sheet and he's too little to roll over into the blanket. That night after his bottle, bath and boobie, instead of placing him in his cradle I placed him in the crib instead. And he slept for SIX HOURS! My plan is to slowly start moving the noodles further out until they are gone completely. I also can't forget to add that I have a box fan running in the room for a white noise sound. He wakes up if it gets silent!!
So now he's 12 weeks old, going on 13, and sleeping in his crib. However the length of time he slept was still yo-yo-ing. Some nights he'd sleep a 4 hour stretch, eat, then another 2 hours, eat, then another two hours. Some nights he'd sleep 6.5 hours, eat, then another 3 hours and be wide awake. It was nowhere near consistent and I didn't know why. I thought maybe some days he was getting more food than others? Some evenings he drank a 3 oz bottle and some evenings he drank 7 oz! So I started doing 3 bottles a day so I had a better grasp of how much he was eating. As soon as I began the 1pm bottle, 5 pm bottle and 9pm bottle he got more consistent. He guaranteed 6 hours straight every night. But then three nights ago something significant happened. I gave him his 9pm bottle and then his bath followed by nursing him to sleep as I did every night before. He drifted and I put him in bed but he woke up. Crying. And crying... so I picked him up to nurse him to sleep and he suckled and cried, suckled and cried. My mommy senses told me he was hungry and wasn't getting what he wanted so I made him another bottle and fed him about 3 oz, then nursed him to sleep. That night he slept 7 hours! So I figured maybe he needs the bottle closer to bedtime? Two nights ago I did bath first then bottle. After burping him and having no interest left in the bottle I swaddled him up and nursed him to sleep. And he slept 8 hours straight! Then last night. Last night was glorious. I gave him his bath, fed him his bottle, gave him a good burp then nursed him to sleep. And he slept a whopping, mind blowing 9 1/2 HOURS!!! The real shocker was that I was the one who woke him up to eat. Had I not woken him he might've gone 10 hours or more! After experimenting with a bottle, I think that it's a key element with sleep and it's something that I'm highly in favor of. I know exactly how much he eats before he goes to sleep and he seems to eat MORE from a bottle before he falls asleep. By giving him a bottle in the rocker first THEN holding and nursing him I know for certain he has fallen asleep with a very full belly which leads to more sleep for everyone.
Swaddling. Some babies like to be swaddled and some hate it. My little guy HATES it. This was something we struggled with from the beginning. Some babies sleep in their cribs effortlessly simply because they are hugged in a blanket. Not my kid. He'd fight it until his arms were free and cry. He'd fall asleep fine not swaddled but in his sleep his arms would move and his fists would find their way to his mouth and he'd wake himself up every time. That was my dilemma. So I quit trying, however, when I got this idea of putting all this stuff in the crib along with a blanket I didn't want to take the chance of his tiny baby hands finding the blanket and pulling it over his face. So I tried swaddling him again in a swaddle blanket (the ones with the velcro) but I waited until he was good and sleepy. When he was too tired to protest he seemed to enjoy being swaddled and I truly believe that has a lot to do with his long stretches of sleep. So if your little one doesn't like to be swaddled try putting them in the blanket while they're awake but leave their arms free. As they get sleepy simply open it up and slip their arms in. They're less likely to fight you then. I also only swaddle him at bedtime... not for naps.
Pacifiers. Some babies are attached to pacifiers. Mine is not! I have tried and tried to get him to take a pacifier but he won't do it so I have to resort to nursing him to sleep for now. Once I have to wean him off the breast I don't know how I'll do it but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. If your baby will sleep while sucking on a pacifier... that alone might make this whole process easier!
Also, do not pick up baby as soon as they start to fuss during the night! Sometimes my little one will wake up and start to make waking noises. Not full-fledged crying... just noise making or slight fussing. It lasts about 30 seconds but he almost always goes back to sleep. Something I've learned through both research and experience is that just because a baby wakes up doesn't mean they are ready to get up. As humans we go through many cycles of sleep every night. Adults have 90 minute cycles and babies have 40 minute cycles. We wake while we sleep and 9 times out of 10 don't even realize it. Babies do the same thing but sometimes have a harder time going back to sleep if they're a little hungry. If you give them a minute, as long as they aren't crying, they have a good chance of falling right back into slumber. Something else that helps them drift back off to sleep is consistency. This is where a dim light or white noise comes into play. If they drift off to sleep and wake to the same sight and sounds then they're less likely to startle. This is also why I chose to introduce him to his crib during the daytime while he was happy and awake. I'd turn his mobile on and make it a happy place. If the crib is a place he associated with abandonment or crying then he won't be comfortable sleeping there either. After that 4 hour long crying session back in week 7 I gave the crib a break for a couple weeks to wash that bad experience from his little memory. When we went back and spent happy, playful daytime in the crib I think it really helped.
I've also found that he needs an evening nap or he has trouble falling asleep. Right now this is the tentative schedule that he follows:
10am morning nap
11am bottle
1230pm nap (maybe)
130pm bottle
230pm afternoon nap
5pm bottle
7pm evening nap
9pm bath
930pm bottle
10pm bed
He breastfeeds if he wakes in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning. He also nurses to sleep for his morning, afternoon and evening naps. Basically he has a bottle while he's wide awake and nurses when he's getting tired. My original intention was only one bottle a day but after two days he started crying while nursing and chugging down bottles so I put two and two together and figured nursing couldn't keep up with demand. After multiple bottles per day I also noticed the amount he drinks is more consistent. Before bed he used to drink anywhere from 3 oz to 7 oz. Now he consistently drinks 4 to 5 oz before bed and 3 to 4 oz during the day.
Every part of me believes that I wasn't producing enough breastmilk to get him full enough to sleep a significant amount of time. Though I might have been producing enough to keep him from being malnourished I was not producing enough to keep us all comfortable. Being unable to pump was a red flag as well as having to nurse him every hour of the daytime. From that first bottle on I noticed a difference in him. He was finally full bellied and satisfied. And it showed in the length of time he slept that first night.
So here's a breakdown of what's working for us step by step each night:
1) Bedtime routine including a bath and baby massage with lotion. If I don't give him and bath I still make sure I do the lotion before jammies and swaddle blanket. Dim down all lights. This is important!
2) Bottle right before bed with a little rice cereal sprinkled in. I'd estimate about half a tablespoon worth in a 4 oz bottle.
3) The bedroom is already prepped for a drowsy baby before he's sleepy. I find that my little one gives me a window of time to walk him to his crib. If I miss my window he wakes up and I have to get him sleepy again. Make sure your white noise is already going (whether it's a sound machine or box fan) and all nights are off or dimmed. We have a small dim lamp with a blue light bulb near the crib. Dark enough to tell it's sleepy time but light enough so you can see.
4) Tuck in those arms! When baby's belly is nice and full and he's drowsy... tuck his arms into the swaddle blanket and secure. Then do whatever you do to make them fall asleep whether it's nursing or a pacifier.
5) After seamlessly levitating the baby into his crib (whether it's prepped with wedge and noodles is up to you!) always leave your hand touching him. He can smell you there! After laying mine down I literally hover very closely over him in the crib. He always opens his eye right when he's placed in the crib. Being so close over him tricks him into thinking that I'm still holding him. Stay put for about 30 seconds. Lay your hand on his belly, chest or top of his head... avoid the cheeks. This could make him think he wants to eat and could wake him up!!
6) Tip-toe away and save the silent happy dance when you're out of sight. Then go get some sleep!!
Overall tips for you to try:
1) Routine, routine, routine! Even the simplest routine can trigger nighttime in baby's eyes. Whether it's a bath, a song, a story or even something as simple as giving them that final bottle before bed with all the lights turned way down (I choose to stress giving a bottle before bed whether it's breastmilk or formula, that way you know exactly how much he is eating before he falls asleep, even if it's the ONLY bottle the baby gets in a day). I even put his lotion on the same way every time: face cream first, lotion legs then belly then back then arms then head. Same system every night!
It's insanity to expect a tiny baby to know it's bedtime just because you put them in a bed. They need to ease into it.
2) If baby is struggling with a bottle (after being primarily breastfed) try a few nipples to see what your baby prefers. If they struggle with any nipple try slipping your pinky in with the nipple. Don't ask me how it works but it works. I fought the nipple for several minutes then slipped my pinky in (while using the exact same nipple) and he started sucking right away. I was able to pull my pinky out almost immediately and he kept going!
3) If baby won't take formula try replacing a half ounce of the water with Gerber apple juice (per 4 ounces). This worked like a charm for me with the first try after he wouldn't touch straight formula.
4) Rice cereal in the bottle. Whether it's breastmilk or formula try sprinkling a little rice cereal in there to fill baby's tummy before bedtime. I would wait until baby is at least 3 months old before trying this personally. Also, avoid adding more than 1/4 or 1/2 tbsp. You don't want your baby filling up on the rice before getting all the nutrients he needs from the formula/milk.
5) White noise via a box fan where the baby sleeps. A consistent noise can help baby drift back to sleep if he wakes during the night. Silence is the enemy. When the room is silent... even a pin drop can wake baby!
6) When introducing the crib try putting baby in there during the daytime and not just for naps. Put him in there to look around when he's in a good mood to associate it with a safe and happy place! Also, try a crib wedge and shaped pool noodles under the sheet to trick baby into thinking they are being held. Make sure to eventually remove them as baby gets old enough to roll over though!
7) Swaddle only at bedtime and wait until baby is good and drowsy to do it.
8) If you place baby in the crib (after they've eaten and started falling asleep) and they wake up and start to fuss. Do not pick them up immediately. Give them a minute. Hum or shush them while touching them. Lean in as close as you can. Try a pacifier...They might just surprise you by going to sleep!
9) Pay attention to your baby! Try different things and pay attention to how your baby reacts. If you don't watch for the signs and evaluate what you already know then nothing will ever work for you. But if you remember what they like and try out a few unknowns you'll likely find something that works like a charm!
Like I said before, all babies are different... this is what worked for me through lots of trial and error. It was a ton of work and lots of tears but here we are. My little Woodchip is 13 weeks and 5 days old and he slept 9 1/2 hours straight last night. *HIGH FIVE*
The most important thing to realize is that you and ONLY YOU know your baby. Look at the signs and watch for the clues you need to put that curious little puzzle together. If I can leave you with one significant message it's this: hang in there. I truly believe it's all about age. I'm willing to bet that if I was to do this routine a month ago he wouldn't have slept that long. He also was too small for rice cereal a month ago. Give your baby 3 months to make the rules. Do whatever you've gotta do to take care of yourself as much as the baby. If you need to sleep in a recliner... then do it. If you need to put them in bed with you... then go for it (just be as safe as you can possibly be). I have come to realize that a lot changes at 3 months old. Once you hit that 12th week... do Mommy's rules! And stick to a schedule. Baby WILL catch on.
Don't beat yourself up about not breastfeeding exclusively. If you can pump enough for bottles then that's fantastic but if you can't... there's nothing wrong with you. If you choose not to breastfeed at all - that doesn't make you a worse mother than the ones that do. Doing what you have to do to keep your baby healthy is the most important thing. I spent way too much time trying to convince myself of how things were supposed to be and worrying about things in the future. Worry about getting through today. When you have a new baby your whole world is upside down (in the best way) so don't worry about things not as important as getting through today. You'll drive yourself crazy. Let the laundry pile up, sleep with your baby if that's the only way you'll get rest and eat a bologna sandwich for dinner instead of cooking. And most of all... enjoy every minute. Because when this difficult time passes you'll be happily relieved but as equally saddened that it's over.
*Disclaimer. I'm not a baby expert but I am a professional Mom. My opinions are mine and I am not suggesting that someone do something that they find as an unsafe practice with their own child. This is what has worked for me and this is my story.