Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cheap Cheesy Mac! ($.23 per serving)

This macaroni and cheese recipe gives you more food for the same cost as a single box of the powdered cheese mix. I always have the items needed on hand and it's super easy to throw together for a quick lunch or a side dish.


2 cups dry elbow macaroni (approx. $.50)
6 slices of american cheese (approx. $.46 or use only 4 slices if your stretching the budget!)
1/2 cup milk (approx. $.11)
1 tbsp butter or margarine (approx $.08)
1/2 tsp salt (penny)
1/8 tsp pepper (penny)
1/8 garlic powder (penny)
1/8 onion powder (penny)

Cook the elbow macaroni according to box directions then put into a strainer. While the macaroni is draining, put milk and butter in the pot and heat over medium stirring frequently to avoid scalding the milk. Add the cheese slices and seasonings and stir until melted. Once the cheese is melted completely add back the macaroni and toss to cover all. Sauce will thicken as it cools.

Makes about 5 cups for 5 servings for around $1.19 compared to 3 cups of the prepared boxed mix for about $1.30.

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