Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Coupon Deal week of 03/05/14!

Ever since Dillons has stopped doubling coupons, I have drastically decreased my semi-extreme coupon ways. My cereal stockpile has needed a little replenishing and I was waiting for the right sale to come along and I think this week the free milk promotion will do nicely!

This week if you buy a mix and match of any 3 participating General Mills products you get a gallon of milk for free! Now I wasn't completely sure what all the prices of each individual cereal might be but I did know that a select few were 3 for $6.00 making them only $2/box. That isn't bad in the slightest!

I wanted to stop in early the week of the sale. My smaller town Dillons is notorious for running out of milk when they have these promotions. So I stopped in armed with a few choice cereal coupons that I found on the web (such as and I had planned on scouring the aisle and matching my coupons in store for the best possible deal. Unfortunately for me, the highest value coupons that I held in my anxious little hands just happened to be for boxes of GM cereals that were NOT on the 3/$6 sale so it wasn't cost effective enough for me to use those for now. BUT I did have a general $1/3 coupon that I was able to for that same 3/$6 sale so I got those three boxes of cereal for only $1.67 per box and got a gallon of milk free! I'll likely return later in the week now that I am more prepared knowing what the sale prices are on all of the cereal in the milk promotion.

Another deal that I happened to come across is an eCoupon that the store card holds for $1.00 off of 2 Jack's Pizzas which just happened to be on sale this week for $2.50 each and normally priced around $3.69. I have been trying to steer clear of buying frozen processed foods but for only $2.00 a pizza I'll splurge and keep some in the freezer for a rainy day... you never know! Then I noticed in the organic foods section that they had put Mom's Best Brand Cereals on sale for a $1.00 per box!! SCORE!! No coupon needed!! I love this brand. The cereals taste just as good but they use more whole grains and lots of varieties are gluten free.

 So here is my haul!
3 Boxes of Hershey's Cookies and Cream Cereal $1.67 each ($5.00 with coupon)
3 Boxes of Mom's Best Cereals Honey Grahams $1.00 each ($3.00 total)
5 Boxes of Mom's Best Cereals Oats & Honey Blend $1.00 each ($5.00 total)
2 Boxes of Mom's Best Cereals Chocolate Rice Crisps $1.00 each ($2.00 total)
2 Jack's Frozen Pizzas $5.00 - $1/coupon = $4.00 for both
1 Gallon Milk (FREE!!)

Standard Retail approx. $45.47 - Total Spent $20 and change with sales tax. Not too bad for having only 2 coupons to use!

This is the cereal section of my uber pantry 
(taken a few months ago... it has dwindled some!)

This is how I replenish my stockpile little by little and this is how you can start your own stockpile if your heart so desires! If we were completely out of cereal then we wouldn't have to buy cereal for about 3 months or longer if the kiddos don't eat cereal for breakfast every day (which isn't typical!). A good rule of thumb is to buy enough of a good sale item to last about 3 months. Usually the super good sales come quarterly so make sure you have enough in your pantry to last until the next awesome promotion! Even if you don't make this current sale before it ends you'll know that it does exist and you can keep your eyes peeled for the next one. Then you can be ready to stock up on some milk and cereal!

Have fun couponing!

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